Enter the following command to display the captured information. Now as we are monitoring our wireless network interface, it’s time to capture the traffic. Replace wlan0 with your desired wifi network and 1 with the desired channel number. airmon-ng command is used for the purpose. The next step is to monitor the wireless network interface, so that we may see all the traffic that passes through the interface. Enter the following command to get the list of all the available network interfaces. The airmon-ng tool is used to work with network interfaces. List all the available network Interfaces. Though there are many other ways as well to crack a wifi password the one with wordlist is the easiest to use and is widely used by the attackers. After getting the encrypted key we try a specific wordlist in order to crack the encrypted password. In Wi-Fi hacking, we capture the 4-way handshake packet and look for the encrypted key in those packets.

When a user authenticates through the Access Point the user and the Access Point have to go through a 4-way Handshake in order to complete the authentication process. WPA PSK 2 has a vulnerability which is that the password in the encrypted form is shared by means of a 4-way handshake. When it comes to security nothing is 100% flawless and so as with WPA PSK 2. This WPA 2 uses a stronger encryption algorithm which is known as AES which is very difficult to crack. These days the Wi-Fi networks are more secure than the older days, These days most wireless access points use WPA(Wi-Fi Protection Access) 2 Pre Shared Key in order to secure the network. AWK command in Unix/Linux with examples.Sed Command in Linux/Unix with examples.groupadd command in Linux with examples.Linux Virtualization : Linux Containers (lxc).Linux Virtualization : Resource throttling using cgroups.
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